You clicked the “Beginner Knitters Click Here” button!

Hooray! If no one has yet, may I be the first to WELCOME you to the wonderful world of knitting! Pull up a chair, get cozy, because we are about to have a lot of fun!

Since you already gave me your email, you don’t have anything else you need to do. Just wait for me to deliver the goodies to your email! First up will be the Beginner Knitter Checklists, and you will not want to miss this one! It will have the list of tools and materials you need to buy and the skills you will need to learn.

And while you wait for those goodies to fill your inbox, if you like to take a look around, here’s some blog posts that you may like!

Simple folded brim beanie knit pattern lite
All Knitters | Beginner Knitter | Experienced Knitters | Free Knit Patterns | Knit pattern

Free Knit Pattern Lite (like a knit pattern, but NOT a knit pattern)

Hello friend! In the section below are links to knit pattern lites that are like knit patterns, but are not knit patterns. So, what I mean by that, is these are items you can make from a simple pattern. BUT no one has tech edited or test knit these knit tutorials.